welcome parents!WE are going to have a busy and productive 5th grade year, filled with exciting learning activities, events and so much more. Throughout the year I will keep you informed of our classroom plans, your child’s progress and all the activities that will make this a successful – and memorable – year.
During the school year, our class website will be a source of information and resources for parents and students. Students also contribute to the site with monthly newsletters, writings, artworks, and pictures of our class activities. Please check the website often for news, announcement, and other information. You can support your child by following these suggestions: - Make learning a priority Parents, your attitude toward school, attendance, education, and involvement in the school makes a strong and lasting impression on your child. Show your child, by example, that learning is a priority. - Encourage "personal best“ Help by encouraging your child to do their best in school and at home. Remember, "personal best" does not mean "perfect," and learning is not the same as high grades. Children, like adults, need the freedom to make 'mistakes' and to use them as learning opportunities for growth. Please be firm with reading/homework time but patient with your child’s development. - Schedule a regular Reading/Homework time Set up an area for homework away from noise and distractions. Post a family calendar that schedules school project deadlines, after-school activities, test dates, progress reports, and report cards. Use our class website calendar, the Weekly Learning Schedule, and the student planner to find out about upcoming activities. Our Class’ Learning Schedule should be displayed at a place where you and your child can check regularly for due dates. - SUPPORT 100% ATTENDANCE Attendance is VERY important to a good education. While some kinds of absences are unavoidable (sickness, injuries…), but taking students out of school unnecessarily, or tardy/leaving early, is disruptive for learning. Please schedule appointments after school if possible. - Have your child go to bed early. (8:30 to 9:30 range). - Limit video game & TV watching times. - Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Together, we can help your child to Believe, Achieve, and Succeed. THANK YOU! Sincerely, Toan Pham, 5th Grade Teacher E-mail: [email protected] |